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Smash it Sports COED

Lou Berliner Sports Park 325 Greenlawn Ave., Columbus

April 4-6 World Sports League Andy Richards 919-413-3254 Website: www.playwsl.com

Columbus Legends

Lou Berliner Sports Park 325 Greenlawn Ave., Columbus

April 5-6 One Nation Bill Walters 614-226-3093 Website: https://onenationslowpitch.com

Battle at Berliner

Lou Berliner Sports Park 325 Greenlawn Ave., Columbus

April 5-6 MVP Tournaments Dave McCann 513-415-7855 Website: https://www.mvptournaments.org

Central Ohio Angels-4-Autism

Lou Berliner Sports Park 325 Greenlawn Ave., Columbus

April 5-6 USSSA Mike Craig 614-563-2593 Website: https://ohfastpitch.usssa.com

Adaptive Sports: Try It – Sit Volleyball

Schiller Community Center 1069 Jaeger St., Columbus

Throughout 2025, Therapeutic Recreation will host monthly Try It events highlighting our adaptive sports programs. The Sit Volleyball event will teach participants the basics of Sit Volleyball and allow them […]
