Pool Rules

Welcome to Columbus Recreation and Parks outdoor pools! Please find rules and regulations for the pools below. Please use the Google Translate feature to translate these rules into other languages.

Entry Rules and Regulations

  • Operating hours are posted on ColumbusRecParks.com/Pools
  • Swimming is permitted only when a lifeguard is on duty.
  • This is a family-friendly area. Be considerate, and watch your language.
  • Children under 13 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult over 18.
  • Children under 9 must be within arm’s reach of an adult over 18. An adult in proper swimwear must remain with child at all times — both in and out of the water.
  • All bags and coolers are subject to search at any time.
  • A Columbus Recreation and Parks Leisure Card is required for entry for anyone over 3 years old.
  • Pool pass or daily admission payment is required for entry (even if you do not plan to swim). No re-entry without the current proof of admission.
  • Proper swimwear is required. Please refer to swimwear regulations and guidelines below or ask the front desk for assistance.
  • The City of Columbus reserves the right to prohibit entry to or remove anyone from the premises due to safety concerns. This includes but is not limited to: equipment or chemical malfunction, weather and/or safety emergencies, public impairment, unsafe behavior, and/or failure to follow pool area rules.
  • The complete list of rules and regulations is available below.

No drugs or alcohol permitted.

No glass containers permitted.

No inflatables, balls, noodles or toys that obstruct water views.

No smoking, vaping, electronic cigarettes or chewing tobacco

No concealed carry or weapons permitted.
Per section 2923.126 (7) of the Ohio Revised Code

Swimming Pool Rules and Regulations

General Pool Rules

  • Swimming is permitted only when a lifeguard is on duty.
  • A Columbus Recreation and Parks Leisure Card is required for entry for anyone over 3 years old.
  • Pool pass or daily admission payment required for entry (even if you do not plan to swim). No re-entry without the current proof of admission.
  • Proper swimwear required. Please refer to swimwear regulations and guidelines signage or ask the front desk for assistance.
  • This is a family-friendly area. Be considerate, and watch your language.
  • Please walk. Running is not permitted.
  • Horseplay and violence is prohibited.
  • Food and beverages permitted in designated areas only.
  • No glass containers permitted.
  • All bags and coolers are subject to search at any time.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult over the age of 18.
  • Children under 9 must be within arm’s reach of an adult over 18. An adult in proper swimwear must remain with child at all times — both in and out of the water.
  • Deep water swim test required for anyone under the age of 16. Lifeguards may request that anyone of any age complete a deep water swim test as a safety precaution.
  • Please enter the water front facing unless under the supervision of a dive coach.
  • No underwater distance swimming or prolonged breath-holding.
  • Diving is not permitted outside of designated diving areas.
  • No hanging or playing on lane lines or safety line.
  • Inflatables, balls, noodles or toys that obstruct water views are not permitted. Aquatic exercise equipment is permitted for lap swimmers and under instruction of staff.
  • Life jackets or personal flotation devices must be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • The City of Columbus reserves the right to prohibit entry to or remove anyone from the premises due to safety concerns. This includes but is not limited to: equipment or chemical malfunction, weather and/or safety emergencies, public impairment, unsafe behavior, and/or failure to follow pool area rules.
  • The City of Columbus and its employees are not liable for injuries or any damaged, lost or stolen property.
  • Capacity limits enforced.
  • All City Codes apply.

Health and Safety Rules

  • Diapers not designed for swimming purposes are prohibited.
  • Change diapers only in restrooms. When complete, wash hands with soap and water.
  • Wash hands after using the restroom and before eating.
  • Do not swim or visit the pool area when you have diarrhea.
  • Do not swim with an exposed wound.
  • Taking a shower before swimming is required. Showering after swimming is recommended.
Swimwear Regulations and Guidelines
  • Street clothes and shoes are permitted on the pool deck only.
  • Swimwear must be primarily made from polyester, lycra, spandex, nylon or elastane.
  • The following fabrics are not permitted to be in the water: cotton, denim, wool, linen, silk, satin, leather or any other clothing not designated as swimwear or dry fit athletic materials.
  • Swimwear must have appropriate coverage, regardless of materials. Bottoms must be full-coverage — no thong swimsuits. Swimwear should not be transparent in or out of the water.
  • Individuals wanting greater coverage may wear additional items that are made from a material listed above. These items can include leggings, shorts, rash guards, t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, swim skirts, sarongs, and head or hair wraps designed for swimming.
  • Socks are not permitted to be worn in the water.
  • Water shoes are permitted unless it inhibits swimming abilities.
  • Diapers not designed for swimming purposes are prohibited.
Diving Board Rules and Regulations
  • Deep water swim test required for anyone under the age of 16. Lifeguards may request that anyone of any age complete a deep water swim test as a safety precaution.
  • Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time.
  • Single bounces only outside of official dive team practices.
  • Look before you leap. Be sure the area in front of the board is clear before jumping.
  • No twists or flips outside of official dive team practices.
  • Please exit the dive area on the side closest to you as quickly as possible. Do not linger or swim back into the dive area.
  • Open swimming is not permitted in the dive area unless specified by staff.
  • Diving is not permitted outside of designated diving areas.
Water Slide Rules and Regulations
  • Individuals must be at least 48 inches tall to use the slide.
  • Lifeguards may request that anyone of any age complete a deep water swim test as a safety precaution.
  • Individuals must enter and exit the slide feet first. Spins, flips, standing or going head first is prohibited.
  • Riders must be in good health. Those with pre-existing medical conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure or those on prescription medication should consult their physician before riding.
  • Individuals who are or suspect they may be pregnant are not permitted to use the slide.
  • Metal objects are not allowed on the slide, such as locker keys, jewelry, watches, eye glasses, metal snaps or zippers.
  • Eyewear must be securely attached to the rider with a strap.
  • Using the slide while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited.
  • Please exit slide pool area promptly after landing.
  • Only one person is permitted on the slide at a time. Please wait for the person in front of you to exit the slide before riding.
  • The maximum weight limit to ride varies by location, please see information below.
    • Dodge:
    • Driving Park:
    • Glenwood:
    • Lincoln:
    • Marion Franklin:
    • Maryland:
    • Tuttle:
    • Windsor:
  • Please keep hands, feet and legs inside the slide at all times.
  • Failure to follow the posted rules may result in loss of slide privileges at staff discretion.