Dog Park FAQs

General Dog Park FAQs

Why are there holes in the dog parks turf?

Dogs, by nature, dig holes and since we do not have staff posted within our parks, we are unable to fill those holes on any consistent basis but we do make repairs as often as we can especially when park visitors bring them to our attention.  So, please do not hesitate to contact us at 311, or by calling 614-645-3350.

My dog is very small and can go under fences or gates.

We do our best to repair fencing and gate damage, but it is likely there may always be holes near the fences due to dogs or other animals digging in the ground.  The weather can also cause damage to the turf making it easier for dogs to go under fences and/or gates. If you encounter any areas that need our attention, please do not hesitate to call 311 or you may contact us directly at 614-645-3350.

The Big Walnut Dog Park doesn’t have water available for the dogs, why not?

The distance to run a waterline is too costly and there is no funding available at this time. Thus, we suggest that you bring your own water in a container, which you must take with you when you leave the park or it will be removed by park personnel.

If a vicious dog is at a dog park, what should we do?

The best suggestion is to contact the Franklin County Dog Warden/Animal Control at 614-525-3400.

Wheeler Dog Park FAQs

Why are parts of Wheeler Dog Park closed in the winter?

The turf areas are closed each winter. We have added an all-season area that remains open during the winter months. It is an area covered with pea gravel.

The turf in Wheeler Dog Park is in poor condition and much of the park is dirt/mud. Why hasn’t it been repaired?

Due to intense use, it is extremely difficult to keep a good stand of grass growing in dog parks especially ones that are very small such as Wheeler. In addition, grass does not grow year-round in Ohio, and thus the window of opportunity to keep the grass in place is limited to only seven or eight months of the year. This becomes even more challenging in those late fall and winter months when there is snowfall and rain, which softens the turf and leaves it vulnerable to damage; i.e. it quickly becomes a mud pit.  Thus, our only option is to fence off areas to nurture the ground for regrowth so that portions of the park will be available for most of the year.

Why can't we use the side of Wheeler Dog Park that has grass?

We know that park visitors want to use the half of the park that currently has grass, but the reality is that grass does not grow in the winter in Ohio. So, if we let people utilize the grass area now, it too will quickly lose its turf and the entire park will be a mud pit and will stay that way until at least June.  Thus, in order to have a portion of the park ready for spring, our only option is to close the entire park for the next couple of months.

Why have all the watering bowls and containers been removed from Wheeler Dog Park?

To reduce the risk of passing diseases from one dog to another, all containers left at our dog parks are subject to being removed for the safety and well-being of all dogs. While pet owners are welcome to bring their own bowls for their dogs to use, owners must take all containers with them when leaving the park or the bowls will be removed by park personnel.

When will Wheeler Dog Park re-open?

It is our intent to open Wheeler Dog Park at the beginning of May assuming that we have spring weather that allows for a good grass-growing season.

Why are other dog parks not closed?

Park size is important in that larger dog parks are more successful because it allows for the usage to be spaced out rather than being contained in a smaller area.   For example, Wheeler Dog Park is two acres, Sycamore Fields Dog Park is five-and-a-half acres, Big Walnut Dog Park is three, and Spindler Road Dog Park is four.  However, in all cases of dog parks that have turf, portions of each one have to be closed periodically for reseeding of the grass.  It is also important to note that the amount of usage is also a significant factor in the success of a dog park.  Relative to Wheeler, it is one of our most popular dog parks; therefore, visitation is higher and more frequent than other dog parks.
