7 events found.
All Day
Week of Events
Coed / Black American MOJO
March 15-16 One Nation Cliff Majni 216-374-1001 Website: https://onenationslowpitch.com
Mojo Moneyball
March 20-23 One Nation Cliff Majni 216-374-1001 Website: https://onenationslowpitch.com
Inclusive Theater Performance: Dinosaur Rock
Inclusive Theater Performance: Dinosaur Rock
Join us for an Inclusive Theater Performance of Dinosaur Rock. This free event will take place in the Community Room at the Fran Ryan Center.
Girls Empowerment Day
Girls Empowerment Day
It's a day to celebrate being amazing! Join us for a day long event at Schiller Community Center on March 22 from 10:00 am -3:30 pm. Participants will attend sessions in art, health and wellness, nature and outdoors as well as create a service project for Seeds of Caring.