Week of Events
Smash it Sports COED
April 4-6 World Sports League Andy Richards 919-413-3254 Website: www.playwsl.com
Columbus Legends
April 5-6 One Nation Bill Walters 614-226-3093 Website: https://onenationslowpitch.com
Battle at Berliner
April 5-6 MVP Tournaments Dave McCann 513-415-7855 Website: https://www.mvptournaments.org
Central Ohio Angels-4-Autism
April 5-6 USSSA Mike Craig 614-563-2593 Website: https://ohfastpitch.usssa.com
Dick Ernst Senior Classic
April 12 SPA John Zampatti 937-371-9717 Website: https://www.softballspa.com
The Weekender
April 12-13 One Nation Cliff Majni 216-374-1001 Website: https://onenationslowpitch.com/
Dodge Mobile Produce Market
Dodge Mobile Produce Market
Mobile Produce Markets provide a one-week supply of fresh produce to eligible families at no cost to them.
Holton Mobile Produce Market
Holton Mobile Produce Market
Mobile Produce Markets provide a one-week supply of fresh produce to eligible families at no cost to them.
Barnett Mobile Produce Markets
Barnett Mobile Produce Markets
Mobile Produce Markets provide a one-week supply of fresh produce to eligible families at no cost to them.
Far East Mobile Produce Markets
Far East Mobile Produce Markets
Mobile Produce Markets provide a one-week supply of fresh produce to eligible families at no cost to them.