Outdoor Courts

Columbus Recreation and Parks has tennis courts, pickleball courts, basketball courts, mini-pitches and/or outdoor hockey rinks at 70 parks throughout the city. Check out the full list of rentable courts at the bottom of this page.


per facility
per hour


  • Single courts that are not permitted are available for recreational use to the public without a permit on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Court(s) used for events, leagues or lessons are required to obtain a permit from Columbus Recreation and Parks Department.
  • 100 tennis courts at 28 parks. Some courts have lights.
  • 58 outdoor pickleball courts at 19 parks
  • Time limit when others are waiting: 60-minute for singles. 90-minute for doubles
  • Court Schedule.
  • Explore pickleball options.
  • 75 full courts
  • 31 half courts
  • Available at 48 parks
  • Available at three parks: Blackburn Park, Sullivant Gardens and Tuttle Park.
  • Available at four parks: Dodge Park, Krumm Park, Lazelle Woods Park and Tuttle Park

If a conflicting request exists on the same day, the following criteria will be used to determine approval:

  • City sponsored programs and prior contractual obligations
  • Economic impact to the City of Columbus, Ohio
  • Number of fields and/or days. Full facility rentals receive priority
  • Pre-existing event with proven history
  • Major tournament (state, regional, national, international)
  • Rental history and past compliance with CRPD policies and procedures
  • Current condition of fields and impact to them and the complex

Below is a list of all of the parks with rentable sports space. The tabs at the bottom of the sheet can be used to filter by sport type.

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