Summer Camps

Community centers offer themed, week-long camps for youth ages 6-12. Campers experience many activities including, but not limited to, arts, crafts, sports, games, science experiments and nature exploration. Register for one session or for the entire summer.

A confirmation email will be sent immediately after registering online. Prior to registration, there is an option to add desired camps to a wish list.

View Summer Camp Guide


Outdoor Recreation Camps:
Online: Thursday, Feb. 20 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.
In-person: Thursday, Feb. 20 | 12 p.m.| Wyandot Lodge (3228 Indian Village Road)

Community Center and Specialty Camps:
Online: Tuesday, Feb. 25 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.
In-person: Tuesday, Feb. 25 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.

Therapeutic Recreation Camps:
Online: Tuesday, Feb. 25 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.
In-person: Tuesday, Feb. 25 | At your local community center

Summer Camp Dates

June 9 – Aug. 1


Residency Policy

Residents are those who live within the municipal boundaries of Columbus. Non-residents must pay additional fees. To ensure accurate billing, indicate residency when adding your camper, as incomplete residency status defaults to non-resident fees. To update your camper’s status in ActiveNet®, go to “Manage Family Member,” click “Edit” by the camper’s name, then update “Address Information.” We cannot issue credits or refunds due to residency errors.

To confirm residency, visit franklincountyauditor.com. If Columbus is your tax district, you qualify for resident rates.


Columbus Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to adjust or cancel camps due to insufficient enrollment and unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, registrants will be notified by email or phone and may transfer to another camp or receive a full refund. For camper cancelations, please review our camp refund policy below

Summer Camp Forms and Documents

Columbus Recreation and Parks utilizes the ePACT Network, a health and safety software to better support all our members and make it easier to submit critical data securely! ePACT is a secure digital solution that allows you to quickly share the health and emergency information we need, and also provides us with powerful communication tools to ensure we have a way to message you in the event of an illness, injury, or larger scale emergency.

Why are we using ePACT?

Download Available: ePACT vs Paper Forms

To save you time – With ePACT, you only need to complete your child’s information once, and then verify that it is still correct for additional programs or subsequent years (which can be done in just two minutes)! And if you need to update something quickly, just log in and update it and we’ll be notified immediately.

To eliminate high-touch processes- Collecting data electronically and checking members in /out using contactless methods that ePACT offers means a significant reduction in close human contact and shared items like pens and paper sheets.

For better security & privacy- ePACT’s high encryption levels and commitment to security means your data on ePACT is safer than on paper- where it can be misplaced or accessible to people who shouldn’t have access to it. ePACT allows us to limit and track access.

How it works?

Content available: Watch video

  • You’ll receive an email invite to share information with Columbus Recreation & Parks the week of May 15.
  • Click ‘Complete Request’ to create a free account, or log-in if you already have an existing ePACT account.
  • Enter the required information, like medical conditions, and share it with Columbus Recreation & Parks so that program staff have access.

ePACT makes it far easier for you to share emergency information with us, while also ensuring we have access to records anytime, anywhere with the mobile app – even without an internet connection.

Rest assured that you always own your account and the information in it. Have questions or feedback? Please email CRPD_camps@columbus.gov or visit www.epactnetwork.com.

Late Pick-Up Fees


Campers must be picked up by the end of the specified pick-up time. All campers picked up after this time will be assessed a late pick up fee that must be paid prior to the camper returning to any camp. Fees are assessed per camper.

Up to 15 minutes late: $15

15 minutes late or more: $15 dollars, plus an additional $1 per minute.

Note: Late fees are assessed on a per camper basis.


Inclusion Support Services

Columbus Recreation and Parks encourages the participation of a diverse population and accommodates people with varying abilities and learning styles. Inclusion services support staff develop accommodation plans to support campers with, but not limited to the following: Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, developmental and learning disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory challenges, and emotional challenges.

Reasonable accommodations are provided to enable an individual’s successful participation in camps. Reasonable accommodations are individualized techniques and resources used to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering the program. These accommodations also help staff create an environment where all campers can have a safe, successful and enjoyable recreation experience. Note: One-on-one staffing is not provided. However, campers are permitted to have a personal support person present onsite (mandatory background checks required).

All campers must meet the minimum participation guidelines and follow desired behavior expectations of the CRPD camp program

To request inclusion support services:

  • Register for your desired camp.
  • Contact Andrea Norris at AMNorris@columbus.gov to request the accommodation form.
  • Complete and email the form to AMNorris@columbus.gov. An inclusion staff member will then reach out to discuss support options.

Please complete this request form immediately after registration is complete.



Registration can be completed online or in person at your local community center. To register online, visit ColumbusRecParks.com/Camps. An ActiveNet® account is required for registration. If you are a new user, you will need to create an ActiveNet® account and include both parent and camper information. For additional information, visit ColumbusRecParks.com/Camps.

Community Center, Sports Camps, Art Camps, Specialty Camps, Therapeutic Camps, and Other Camps:

  • Online or in-person: Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.
  • In-person: At your local community center

Outdoor Recreation Summer Camps:

  • Online or in-person: Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025 | Columbus residents: 12 p.m. | General public: 7 p.m.
  • In-person: Wyandot Lodge | 3228 Indian Village Road

Note: Due to high demand of summer camps, online registration is highly recommended.

Registration Fees*

  • Resident: $100
  • Non-resident: $120 (20%)

Note: Standard fees for community center camps and some others. Fees for all other camps may vary.


8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Before Camp Drop-Off: 7:30-8 a.m.

Camp Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

After Camp Pick-Up: 5-5:30 p.m.

Late Pick-Up Fee: A $15 fee applies for pick-ups between 5:30-5:45 p.m., with an additional charge of $1 per minute for arrivals after 5:45 p.m. Late fees are due immediately and must be paid before the camper returns.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and a snack provided, except where otherwise noted. 


Registration can be completed online or in-person at your local community center. To register online, visit ColumbusRecParks.com/Camps.

An ActiveNet account is required for registration. If you are a new user, you will need to create an ActiveNet account and make sure to include both parent and camper information. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the ActiveNet website.

Online and in-person registration for most camps opens on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 12 p.m. for Columbus residents, and 7 p.m. for the general public. Registration for Outdoor Recreation camps opens on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 12 p.m. for Columbus residents, and 7 p.m. for the general public.

Next Steps

Additional information including a parent letter and a weekly calendar will be emailed prior to the start of camp to the email address associated with your ActiveNet account. 

To ensure that campers’ information is current:

  • Select Manage Family Member
  • Select Edit next to the camper’s name
  • Select Contact Information to confirm or update your email address

Registration Checklist

  • Campers must meet age requirements prior to the first day of camp.
  • We accept credit cards (VISA, MasterCard or Discover), cash, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Please make Cashier’s checks and money orders payable to City of Columbus.
  • Do not mail payment/payment information.
  • All camp fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of camp.
  • There will be an additional fee of $25 for all returned checks.


Waiting List

To ensure the best experience for campers, all camps enroll a maximum number of participants.

  • If a camp is full, there is an option to be added to the waiting list.
  • Campers will not be charged additional fees to be placed on the waiting list.
  • Campers on the waiting list will be notified via email as openings become available, with notifications beginning on May 15. Due to high demand, there will only be a 24-hour response time for enrollment from a waiting list.

Payment Information

Payment is required for registration and can be paid in full, or set up on a payment plan. Payment and payment plans require automatic payments to be charged to a credit card on file. Cash payments can be made at your local community center or CRPD headquarters at 1111 E. Broad St.| 43205. All camp fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of camp.

Payment plan arrangements are set up via ActiveNet during the registration process, once requested follow the prompts to complete your payment plan arrangements. Payment plan fees will be automatically charged beginning on the first Friday in April and are charged weekly every Friday until the balance on the account is paid in full. Missed payments must be paid immediately via ActiveNet or in person. Missed payments may result in the cancellation of payment plan arrangements and disenrollment from unpaid camp sessions. Note: ALL camp session enrollment fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of camp, June 9, 2025.Participants are only guaranteed camp enrollments for sessions that have been paid in full. Any remaining camp session enrollments with outstanding balances will be automatically disenrolled. No exceptions.

Late Pick-Up Fees

Campers must be picked up by the end of the specified pick-up time. All campers picked up after this time will be assessed a late pick up fee that must be paid prior to the camper returning to any camp. Fees are assessed per individual camper.

Up to 15 minutes late: $15

15 minutes late or more: $15, plus an additional $1 per minute thereafter.

Please Remember

  • Campers must meet specified age requirements prior to the first day of camp.
  • We accept credit cards (VISA, MasterCard or Discover), cash, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Please make Cashier’s checks and money orders payable to City of Columbus.
  • Do not mail payment/payment information.
  • All camp fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of camp.

There will be an additional fee of $25 for all returned checks.

Refund Policy

To receive a refund, please use this online form. Refund requests submitted after May 12 will not be granted, unless accompanied by an extenuating medical circumstance. A $15 processing fee will be assessed for each refund request processed.

FInancial Assistance

Columbus Recreation and Parks is committed to offering an equitable camp experience and provides financial assistance for families across most of our camp programs. The amount of aid offered is determined by household size and total income. Participants may qualify to receive a 25%, 50% or 100% fee discount. To apply for financial assistance please select the “Request Financial Aid” option during registration, and then upload the required documentation for eligibility verification to ePACT.

Proof of Eligibility

To qualify for financial assistance, you must provide proof of income through one of the following documents:

  • A copy of your most recent federal income tax return.
  • If you are not required to file a federal income tax return, you may submit any of the following:
    • Public Assistance, Cash, or Nutrition Benefits Award Letter, or a verified letter from a Job and Family Services (JFS) caseworker with documented income information.
    • Official letter from a JFS case worker, confirming income value.
    • SSA-1099 Social Security or Social Security Disability year-end statement.
    • 1099G Unemployment Compensation year-end statement.
    • Child Support Enforcement year-end statement.

Important: Supporting documentation MUST include relevant information for both parent/guardian and campers.
